Page 50 - Araştırma Raporu 2019
P. 50


       When we look at the number of students studying in Turkey in general is the most elementary

       level students in 2019. Again, it is observed that the number of teachers in primary education is
       higher compared to this statistic. Considering the number of students in Susurluk, it is observed
       that there has been a decrease over the years, but the rate of literacy has increased.
                                                                                                                                VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL

                                                                                                                                  Number of New Register
                                                                                                                                    Voca onal Student                  103
                              2019 SUSURLUK EDUCATION DATA
                                                                                                                                 Number of Grauated Student            90
                                                                                                                                 Number of Total Student               354
                                               2016-2017         2017-2018         2018-2019        2019-2020
                                              Academic Year     Academic Year     Academic Year    Academic Year                                                    Milk Analize
        Total Number of Student                   5370              5291              5231             5190                          Laboratary Data              Chemical : 319
        Total Number of Female Student            2471              2485              2503             2488                                                       Soma c : 286
        Total Number of Male Student              2899              2806              2728             2702                                                    Total Bacterium : 260
        Total Number of Primary-Middle Student    3930              2873              3944             3864                                                      Anbiogram : 100
        Total Number of Primary-Middle Female     1848              1643              1706             1874
        Total Number of Primary-Middle Male Student 2082            1816              1781             1990
        Total Number of Middle School Student     1440              965               1347             1228
        Total Number of Middle School Female Student623             617               590               614
        Total Number of Middle School Student Male 817              757               754               614                               NUMBER OF INSTRUCTOR
        Number of Graduates                        376              1117              747               863                              YEARS             NUMBER OF INSTRUCTOR
        Number of Primary-Middle School Classroom 206               170               224               224                              2015                        30
        Number of Middle School Classroom          89                83               101               101                              2016                        44
        Total Number of Classroom                  295              253               325               325                              2017                        51
        Literacy Rate                              %94              %95               %96               %98                              2018                        90
                                                                                                                                         2019                        94

                                      PUBLIC EDUCATION CENTRE

                                                   NUMBER OF COURSE
                  YEARS           VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL            GENERAL                     TOTAL
                  2015                        99                        263                        362                                    NUMBER OF TEACHER
                  2016                        123                       156                        275
                  2017                        108                       118                        226                              Primary School                 257
                  2018                        108                       174                        282                              Middle School                  119
                  2019                        106                       281                        387

                                                  NUMBER OF STUDENT
                  YEARS                      MALE                      FEMALE                     TOTAL
                  2015                       3514                       4012                       7526
                  2016                       2889                       3317                       6206
                  2017                       1900                       3108                       5008
                  2018                       2554                       3004                       5558
                  2019                       3091                       3595                       6686

                                     NUMBER OF STUDENT RECEIVING CERTIFICATES
                  YEARS                      MALE                      FEMALE                     TOTAL
                   2015                      3154                       3552                       6706
                   2016                      2547                       2780                       5327
                   2017                      1403                       2187                       3590
                   2018                      1803                       2175                       3978
                   2019                      1840                       2161                       4001

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